Saturday, May 12, 2007

O Brother

Here are some sketches I did a month or so ago. They are from one of my favorite movies, "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" I love the color schemes of that whole movie. I've been thinking (once I get my painting skills up) of doing a good finished piece based on the characters. Enjoy these till then.


Joe Bluhm said...

Dude- these are supersweet!

I'd love to see some of them finished. Great likenesses.

Aaronphilby said...

Sweet, Ken. That John Goodman likeness is perfect.

ChrisNeuenschwander said...

Hey Ken, Awesome sketches! Hate to be repetitive, but the Goodman is great!

The Hurricane said...

YOYO!!! SO GOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooood :)

Andy Murray said...

I love the John Goodman ones!