Thursday, May 22, 2008

Random sketches

I don't really have any reason for these. They all look very different from each other, so I suppose thats interesting.

This is a sketch done just like others in previous posts, where I draw someone i see and the scan the sketch and then Photoshop it using the lasso and paint bucket tools. I don't really do many of those anymore.

I've been toying with the idea of doing a little comic strip about me at work, just for the fun of it. I did this today to try and see what it would look like on a blog. I've never been good at writing, so I've had a really hard time writing my work experiences that would be readable normal (non-artist) people. Part of why I want to do it is the good practice. Flexing some unused art muscles, such as visual storytelling, drawing emotion, cartooning emotion, inking, and minimalism. And writing I suppose.

This is a Woody Harrelson sketch done in pencil, and then Photoshopped a bit for fun. I think he's a really scary looking guy.


ChrisNeuenschwander said...

Haha! Edwin, Thats Awesome! haha

Heather Snow said...

KEN!!!!! Just wanted to say hello.... Hope all is well.


Joe Bluhm said...

So... you gonna post more stuff here?

Elgin Subwaysurfer Bolling said...

Without ever knowing who I am... yhou just drew ME! Check out my blog at

Its strange, because there are days when Im drawing on the steet, and my partner Ken is getting ALLLLL the money, and just because there are no customers in my chair they assume I "cant draw" and I wait......